Business Planning
When it comes to handling your business decisions, there are many benefits of consulting with an attorney from the first time you begin forming your company and for the years to come while your business grows.
- Have your attorney serve as point person - Have your attorney stand along side you |
You have a vision for your business. You need professional direction on legal and other business issues. You need help with planning so you can move toward your goals using a lawyer who works on your business with you. You want your lawyer to suggest a specific course of action.
Please call and find out when you can come into the office during noontime. Attorney Michael Metz will buy you lunch and complete for you a legal audit with a customized presentation. If you do not have time for lunch, call Debra the office manager and explain to her your needs then she can get back with you after speaking with Mr. Metz. Debra will provide you a cost quote and options of follow up for your convenience. You can always visit our blog here. Please let us know you visited. |